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Q: Wikipedia is such a huge source of information and many articles are open to vandalism and abuse, therefore they can display people's racial or cultural beliefs. Is it hard to keep this offensive material under control?

A: No, it's pretty easy.

Q&A with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, New Scientist, February 20, 2007.

A crypto-Muslim and militant communist from Illinois.He is currently seeking to destroy the United States by fooling dumb people and minorities into voting him into office as President. His agenda would include trampling on the Bill of Rights, disarming the citizenry, opening our borders even wider, granting amnesty to illegal aliens, and massive income redistribution. A darker skinned, more subtle version of Stalin.

Wikipedia entry, "Barack Obama," revision as of 18:03, 19 February 2007.

In late 2005, Wales was criticised for editing his own biography page on Wikipedia, which could be seen as revisionist history.

Wikipedia, entry "Jimmy Wales," under heading "Wikipedia Revisionism."