CAA Welcomes ICM To The Neighborhood

While CAA's drones are still contentedly breathing in the New Death Star Smell still suffusing their fully operational (and newly non-exploding) Century City headquarters, an operative within ICM tells us that not even a heartfelt office-warming gift from their evil neighbors can help the staff shake the feeling that their home in The CC isn't quite as nice as the Creative Artists stronghold:
In the new ICM offices (which look like a high school cafeteria if you're an assistant, as they are forced to share tables in teams of 4 with another two rows of 'assistant tables' behind them - I'm not kidding, there are no cubicles. And we now drink tap water) 3 of the top agents received a bouquet of flowers from CAA emblazoned with the greeting "Welcome to the Neighborhood."
It would be a nice sentiment except for the fact that all our agents can do is gaze (if they're in an office with windows, which many of them aren't) at the CAA deathstar in jealousy. If CAA's new building is 'Beverly Hills Cop' and ICM's old building is 'Beverly Hills Cop 2', then the new ICM building is most certainly 'Beverly Hills Cop 3'.
The nagging inferiority complex will probably only become more acute once CAA's Kevin Huvane gives the order to detonate those "bouquets," blowing out the windows on ICM chairman Jeff Berg's corner office to send a clear "welcome to the neighborhood" message about who's really going to be running The CC from now on.
[Image: Variety]