In a small (but precious!) corner of the literary landscape, the controversy over those librarians who want to ban a children's book for mentioning dog testes hasn't yet died down. Scrotal expert and dark-arts assistant professor Neil Gaiman even weighed in: "I've decided that librarians who would decline to have a Newbery book in their libraries because they don't like the word scrotum are probably not real librarians (whom I still love unconditionally)." Mom, we're getting that Masters in Library Science after all! Anyway, this awesome cause now has a t-shirt, which you can purchase over at Bookshelves of Doom. They also have other literary shirts. We'd like to recommend that they add 'Ain't No Houellebecq Girl' even though it is sort of last year in many ways.

T-Shirt of the Week [Bookshelves of Doom]
In Absense of Scrota: Your Guide To Quality Literature [Neil Gaiman]
Earlier: Ballsy YA Author Stirs Controversy