The Alex Kuczynski Beauty Junkies publicity parties continue on the other side of the pond. There's a profile in the Times (U.K., obvs) that provides very little new information but does occasion this amazing quote from everyone's fave shopping columnist:

I ask Kuczynski if she feels that she looks significantly different to the way she would look if she had done nothing at all. "I wouldn't look that different," she says with a laugh. "Perhaps I would have some more wrinkles and I would have droopy eyelids. But in finishing the book and realising that we have to decay, I think it is better to decay with a sense of self-respect. Having stopped everything I feel so completely at rest with myself. I'm much more beautiful, I look healthier and I feel so much more relaxed."

I was a $100,000 beauty junkie [Times U.K.]