Ruby Rippey-Tourk's dramatic blog past

A tipster wrote us this past weekend:
I just saw Gavin Newsom and a blonde female companion stop by the Urth Cafe on Beverly Drive, in Beverly Hills, to grab a cup of coffee.
Well, coffee's good for a man who doesn't know if he's an alcoholic, and the ladyfriend is likely an equal tonic for other reasons. Speaking of which, the accompanying photo is worth a laff. It's Engadget's Pete Rojas, in a high-school production of Woody Allen's Play It Again Sam. Draped over his lap is none other than Ruby Rippey, a.k.a. Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the aide's wife that Newsom had an affair with. Fullsize pic after the jump, scanned right from the veritable sophomore yearbook.