Newsom's new nemesis: the purple latex glove

In other Gavin Newsomiana, the San Francisco mayor canned his press secretary, Peter Ragone, no doubt largely due to Ragone using pseudonymous sock puppets to praise the mayor on various websites. Far more bizarre is the restraining order filed by the SF city attorney versus one Han Shin, a "new age author" with a disturbing fixation on Newsom, purple latex gloves, and tawdry concordances between the two. Money quotes after the jump.
Shin does indeed have a few books on Amazon, though they appear to be slightly rewritten versions of the same story (observe as the humble Miss Earth beauty queen becomes the all-powerful Miss Universe). Anyway, though he's been a Newsom supporter for awhile, Shin first came to the city's serious bad attention when he turned up at Newsom's apartment building a couple weeks ago. The police were called, and the next day they located Shin's car:
Inside, according to a declaration from Inspector James Ramsey, police found a map of San Francisco with the location of the mayor's building highlighted and a line following streets from the building to the Bay Bridge. Also found were a cutout composite photograph of the mayor, Shin and Shin's father, magazines with articles about Newsom, a laminated photograph of Newsom, three purple latex gloves and a cassette tape titled "President Newsom."
Draw your own sinister conclusions about the possible purposes of three gloves. Earlier in the month, Shin attended a Newsom appearance where he "sat in the front row and appeared to be taking pictures of the lower half of the mayor's body."
At one point, Newsom's jacket fell off a chair and Shin picked it up, wiped it off in a caressing manner and then held it on his lap, according to Fleming's declaration. He proceeded to attempt to get Newsom's attention in a flirtatious manner. Afterward, he grabbed the mayor and prevented him from closing his car door till a police officer intervened.
At another event a couple days later, Shin "grabbed the mayor's arm, wearing a purple latex glove." Does Shin think he himself is unclean, or that President Newsom is tainted, or that the latter's glory is just too much to bear ungloved? The restraining order hearing is March 7. See you there.