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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in immediately: Today might be your last day on Earth, and you don't want to move on to the Next Life with lingering regrets! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw the Canter's cashier inspecting a taut-faced Tim Allen's possibly counterfeit currency:

In today's star-studded, Oscar Week episode: Leonardo DiCaprio; Mel Gibson, Diane Sawyer, Mike Nichols; The Rock; Jennifer Hudson; Peter O'Toole; Hilary Swank; Orlando Bloom and Adrian Grenier; Cuba Gooding, Jr., Michael Arndt, Shannyn Sossamon, John Waters, Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla and Carson Daly; Will Arnett, Joey McIntyre and Dax Shepard; Lauren Graham, Robin Tunney and Marley Shelton; Scott Speedman and Bradley Cooper; Scott Foley and Marika Dominczyk; Jeff Zucker; Tim Allen; Matt Stone; Dane Cook; Paris Hilton; Tawny Cypress; Magic Johnson; Rory Cochrane; Jai Rodriguez, Lakisha Jones, Gina Glocksen and Leslie Hunt; Serena Williams and Camryn Manheim.

· So I was at dinner tonight (2/26) at Table 8 on Melrose with a very handsome companion when my attention was drawn away from him to a most Delicious specimen. Yes, it was Leo DiCaprio with a group of 6 or so. I know he is dating a model (natch) but the women he was dining with looked liked they were normal (!) wearing casual clothes and little to no makeup. (Undercover?)They were still beautiful but it seemed weird. Oh wait. Maybe Leo has some real friends! They seemed like a nice and normal group of people out for a good, if expensive, meal.

· this morning 2.24 at 10:50am going east on sunset blvd at holloway stopped at the light saw Leo DiCaprio's head bobbing up and down in the back seat of a "green" limo honda civic. His head filled the entire window..........i know it's oscar weekend and all, but it was Leo the nominated!

· So everyone probably saw everyone somewhere on Oscar weekend, but we had a good double header on 2/23:

#1 - The Rock having what looked like a business dinner at Dan Tana's.

#2 - Mel Gibson at the Belvedere in the Peninsula, acting extremely chummy with Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols. There are so many things wrong with this I don't know where to start, but I think the big questions are about Diane's journalistic integrity and whether or not Mel calls her "Sugar Tits."

· Jennifer Hudson was on my mom's plane yesterday (2/26) from LAX to Kennedy. My mom told her "you were so great," and Jennifer was super sincerely nice and appreciative, like a sweet un-jaded teenager. (JH was in first class, mom was stuck in coach.) I first thought "oh brother" when I heard this story, but then the flight attendant told her she was the only one to approach the winning ingenue on the whole flight! Weird that peeps are that Too Cool for School to an Oscar winner the day after. Not that she needs more adulation, but b/c of her going virtually unnoticed it's OK mom said something. JH apparently let all the flight attendants hold her Oscar but not in a show off-y way, which is sorta sweet, no?

· 2/24 I live right behind the Four Seasons hotel and we walked over to night to see who might be around. No one in the bar, just random nobodies (or no one I recognize). So we go into the lounge with the fireplace and it's totally dead. Then Peter O'Toole and his retinue walks in and sits down. We hung around for a while and he held court there then we eventually left. But it was great! Sadly, he looks like death warmed over, but still very classy and British. He was with a woman wearing a tee shirt that said on the back: I'm with a living legend.

· 4pm, Oscar night at Whole Foods on Wilshire in S.M. Was less than thrilled to be there as I'm more of a Ralph's guy, but what baby wants, baby gets. We're in the checkout line and I notice a stellar set of teeth on the cute, yet slightly disheveled girl in front of us. Hilary Swank! Food shopping on Oscar night! Hell of a difference a year makes...

· Adrian Grenier's band performing at The Echo on Saturday...Adrian loves his Pale Ale. And Orlando Bloom came to show his support. Both stayed through the second band and were pretty chill about hanging out with the all ages crowd...but soon headed off to Adrian's house for an after party.

· I went to the after-party at Shutters. Got there a little later. While in line, I saw Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla, his girlfriend, and Carson Daly leaving as a group. Noticed that Carson smokes and is indeed rather skinny.

Inside, I saw Cuba Gooding, Jr., Michael Arndt, Shannyn Sossamon, and John Waters.

· Today (2/26), I was walking down Larchmont and I saw a cute little dog and as I stopped to coo at it I noticed the owner was none other than Christian rocker (and former NKOTB member) Joey McIntyre. He was chatting with two smokers sitting at a café about some movie he did in Boston. Turns out the two men were Will Arnett (cue "The Final Countdown"), who reassured McIntyre of his performance in the film, and Arnett's Let's Got to Prison costar Dax Shepard. They were all in good spirits and very nice indeed.

· Had an eclectic sighting at grace restaurant on saturday night. Marley Shelton, Lauren Graham, possibly Robin Tunney, and one of the blond girls from Friday Night Lights were all having dinner together, as part of a large party in the back room. Sadly, my back was to that table so I couldn't stare and my dining companions don't watch enough TV to identify anyone else in the party. I need to get new friends.

· A star-studded day at the Casbah Cafe! 2-27, Scott Speedman strolls into the Silver Lake mainstay around 10:30 am, looking legitimately rolled-out-of-bed, as opposed to "spent 45 minutes perfecting the rolled-out-of-bed look." He had a knapsack on him, ordered some juice, left, came back in, examined an empty LA Weekly rack, left, came back in for a moment, then left again. Scintillating! Then, a couple hours later, Bradley Baumkirchner of Project Runway fame strolled in, in all his scraggily glory. Disheveled blond dude central over here! (Speedman was infinitely more doable...but can he put me in a weird looking bubble dress? I think not.)

Saturday 2/24 at around Noonish. Saw Scott Foley and fiancee (the girl who plays Tyler on Brothers & Sisters) [Marika Dominczyk] walking on Montana past Blue Plate. They didn't eat there (at least when I was there), but apparently know the hostess, as she chatted with them for a while. My friend and I couldn't get over how SMOKIN he is in person.

· 2/24 - Jeff Zucker, looking totally non-honcho holding hands with his little boy with the rest of the family in tow, strolling down Beverly on Saturday morning.

· After a somewhat satisfying, low-carb breakfast of lox, eggs and onions at Canters, my b.f. and I sauntered to the counter to pay the check. We then spied a ball-capped, shades-wearing Tim Allen, also waiting to settle up, with his young daughter. At least, I hope it was his daughter—she came up to about his waist and had barely hit puberty, but who knows. The point is, he looked extremely puffy and, get this—the bedraggled cashier dared to inspect TIM ALLEN'S twenty dollar bill in the light to make sure it wasn't counterfeit—maybe he knows Wild Hogs will bomb and assumes his cash is questionable. After a quick eye-roll, Tim shared a weak laugh with his daughter/girlfriend. My b.f. and I also chuckled—but more at Tim's scarily taut jaw-line, complete with an old-fashioned scar in FRONT of the ear, and the classic PERMANENTLY SURPRISED! look on his brow-lifted face. One would think at 1.25 million a pop for each episode of Home Improvement, he might have found a better surgeon. I'm sort of surprised that during their on-set bonding, Travolta didn't recommend his favorite Scientology-vitamin-silent-exercise routine to normalize the face of our favorite grunting, sitcom dad.

· Matt Stone from "South Park" and 1/2 of the J-Lo/Gwyneth combo at the Oscars a few years back, hanging with friends Fri night (2/23) at the Joker,

probably the sketchiest old-man dive bar on the dumpy part of Pico in SM. He

chatted and sipped his tequila shot (salt) for awhile, then took off with

his bald friend. We thought that'd be it, but they returned about 15 minutes

later....with McDonalds! The guy walked across the street and got McDonalds

to bring back for his friends.

· Dane Cook at the Coldstone Creamery at the Beverly Connection, last monday, President's Day, around 8pm. Picking up pints for himself and his live in love Raquel. He had to call her to find out what she wanted but she didn't answer. I didn't notice what he was ordering because he looked like any other shlub when I got in line next to him. It wasn't until I had listened to him speaking for a minute or two that I realized who he was. The Coldstone ice cream guys were clearly as indifferent as I was. He was very low profile which was refreshing given his over hyped onstage persona.

· * Evening of Wed., Feb. 21, at the Fatburger on Santa Monica in WeHo, Tawny Cypress (newly dead Simone on Heroes) ordered a bacon cheeseburger in the company of her significant other and their really cute 8-year-old. Totally unpretentious in a long sweatshirt, skirt and Converse shoes, and just lovely. Seems like a very nice family.

* This afternoon, Fri., Feb. 23, if my eyes did not deceive me, the succubus herself, Paris Hilton louching (slouch + lounge) in the passenger seat of a gray Land Rover at the corner of Third and Fairfax (Farmers Market).

· I know, a privacywatch sighting on Oscar night - like fish in a barrel. BUT -this was a non-entertainment celebrity, arguably. Anyway, Magic Johnson, at Mastro's in Beverly Hills. He was actually there during the show - he was coming out just as I was going in. That's a large dude. He was very nice, made sure to personally thank and shake the hands of everyone in sight, the maitre d', the reservations woman, the bartender, etc. Classy. On an unrelated side note, I really, really want to smack that reservations woman.

· Rory Cochrane and pretty blond girlfriend stuck with the rest of us mortals in the valet parking line/crowd/mob outside Social Hollywood/Boulevard 3 on Saturday night (2/25).

· Barely a celebrity sighting... Just saw Jai Rodriguez (of Queer Eye fame) at the Beverly Center. And as I turned the corner whispering to my friend, "is that the broadway dude from Queer Eye?" I saw three of the new American Idol kids shopping. I don't know any of their names, but I specifically remember the crazy blonde girl who could be the spawn of Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch [ed. note: Leslie Hunt, we think], the girl with the red streaks in her hair (come on! red streaks??!) [Gina Glocksen], and the really good singer who has a baby [Lakisha Jones].

I really couldn't get any more D-List than that....

· Very random sighting in Westwood Village at about 9:15 this morning (2-24):

I was going into the Jamba Juice in Westwood Village for my daily wheat grass fix, when who should walk out directly in my path but Serena Williams. She was dressed in workout gear (a zip up pullover and spandex pants,—if I think hard enough I could probably remember the color) with no makeup on, Jamba in hand and looked very toned down (as opposed to her normal outerwear). She was smaller than I expected and felt only an inch or two taller than me (and I'm 5'8"). Isn't she supposed to be taller? Anywho, it was a random way to kick start my day. I will say this though: homegirl has thighs of steel.

· decided it was time to sign up for a Costco membership. went to the Culver City location today (2/24) to sign up. as i waited in line to get my card, i saw Camryn Manheim on her way out. she was with a good-lookin' hunky guy. he was pushing one of those Home Depot style flat carts with a very large box loaded on top. she was very chatty. seemed to be in a really good mood. tried to figure out what was in the box. an extra large Made In China flat screen t.v.? a kid's swingset? patio furniture? doesn't she have a bunch of adopted kids with her 'partner'? or am i thinking of Rosie O'Donnell?