Hollywood Hepatitis ScareWatch: Crash Oscar Diet May Have Saved Beyoncé's Life

While TMZ's valiant efforts to reveal the list of industry parties possibly tainted by Wolfgang Puck's hepatitis-infected pre cook have so far been stymied by the combination of a tight-lipped Health Department and the shadowy Hollywood Event-Catering Industrial Complex, their TV-based corporate siblings at Extra have managed to advance this important work: According to a press release, they've received confirmation from a publicist that Beyoncé passed on all the tempting—but possibly dangerous!—trays of hors d'oeuvres waved under her nose at Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue bash at the Pacific Design Center on February 14th, the Party Zero of the ongoing hep-A pandemic that's terrorizing the city. She's safe! There's still no update on the status of Visual Effects Society awards banquet attendees George Lucas and John Landis, but TMZ's earlier story about the at-risk directors seems to have disappeared; hopefully, the site's warnings about the scare reached them before its deletion and they've taken the necessary medical precautions.