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Birthdays always make our hearts happy, especially when they're being celebrated by our friends at MisShapes, The Cobrasnake, Ambrel, and Last Night's Party. It's a very festive Blue States Lose this week, even if Alex Blagg does make fun of our videographer.

10.Misshapes. February 24th, 2007 photo #154: It was the Other Guy's birthday last week, and he celebrated it the same we all do: by taking Special K, dying his hair pink, and eating a little ass.

9.Last Night's Party. Living Life To the Fullest video: When Andrew WK stands around babbling on camera for some hipster photographer's website, he goes all out and does that shit 100%.

8. The Cobrasnake. Damnfine Showtime photo #6974: ....and too old to be dressing like an Urban Outfitters employee.

7. Misshapes. February 24th, 2007 photo #016: Man, this nightlife king is just taunting us. For fun. He's all, "Oh yeah, Gawker? Hows about I blow your fucking minds with this little 'trapper hat, neon down jacket, eye paint, cheetah purse, white tiger sash' ensemble I've been working on. Now say 'Fierce and Fabulous' five times fast!"

6. The Cobrasnake. Rocknroll McDonalds photo #6767: If someone made a movie called The Douche Who Could Fly, I'd probably go see it.

5. The Cobrasnake. Damnfine Showtime photo #5788: I know we bag on these hipsters for all the ridiculous shit they choose to adorn their bodies with, but I've got to say, in all earnestness, I really hope this Human Jukebox things takes off.

4. Misshapes. February 24th, 2007 photo #031: Ever since someone told me that British hipsters are trying to "bring rave back", I wondered how long this inevitable retardomenon would take to find its way into the small, impressionable minds of our very own hipbots here in the States. Faster than you can say "Bloc Party DJ Shadow Remix".

3. Last Night's Party. I Love Neon photo #3550: Kids, if you work hard, stay focused, and apply yourself, you can accomplish anything. This picture is proof of that.

2. Misshapes. February 24th, 2007 photo #006: Yeah, you could just throw on some sparkly spandex and an an airbrushed track jacket you found on the street outside of your East Williamsburg hovel, but why not take the extra steps to stupid necklaces and big neon irony glasses? Looking like a complete moron is all about accessorizing, people.

1. Ambrel. David Lachappelle Party photo #7578: If coolguy could stop rocking the fuck out for just a second, maybe he could take the phone call telling him he's the last fad-whore in a terrorist scarf at the cliche party. But now he'll never know.

Earlier: Children of Children