McNally v. Gansevoort: Salt I Talks Planned

A peace conference is planned for Tuesday between restaurateur Keith McNally and Gansevoort Hotel owner Michael Achenbaum, to settle the dispute over the Gansevoort's giant Meatpacking billboard, according to Page Six. Achenbaum's condition for the meeting is that none of the local restaurant folk yell at him. We say, good fucking luck with that.
An important note on this conflict: Until we saw this picture in Page Six, we did not know that McNally's ally in the anti-billboard crusade, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation director Andrew Berman, was so smokin' hot. He looks like Lex Luthor's entitled nephew! Now we'd really like to see him spank Achenbaum. We love preservation and shit now!
Peace Parley Over Hotel Sign [NYP]
Previously: McNally v. Gansevoort: A Fight "To The Grave"!