Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Butterscotch Stallion's Intense Stair-Climbing Routine Does Little To Enhance Puny Gastrocs

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in like you mean it. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Drew Barrymore getting busy at the Golden Gopher with Henrik from Sweden's new arch enemy:
In today's episode: Owen Wilson; Cillian Murphy and Mike White; Tom Hanks; Jamie Lee Curtis; Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart; Drew Barrymore and Spike Jonze; Sandra Bullock and Jesse James; Patrick Dempsey; Reba McEntire; Jason Bateman; Sidney Poitier; Kirsten Dunst; Michael C. Hall and Rose McGowan; Donatella Versace; Albert Brooks; Nicole Richie; Chris Klein and Ginnifer Goodwin; Kevin Connolly; Chris Eigeman; Kirstie Alley; Kevin Smith; Donald Logue and Lochlyn Munro; Kristen Bell; Jason Ritter; Fran Drescher and Eduardo Xol; Chris Robinson; Ray Wise and Danny Bonaduce.
· It's Sunday, it's warm, and the sightings are plentiful:
At the Santa Monica 4th St. stairs working out-The Butterscotch Stallion, Owen Wilson- looking pretty good, however his calves are smaller than mine (I'm female). Apparently with no one and did at least 8 flights-he was there prior to us and left 2 flights before us. A respectable amount. Perhaps the Milk Chocolate Pinto needs to take some workout cues from his brother.
At the Brentwood Market-Cillian Murphy looking pale and frail. He was with a boyfriend?/syncophant and a family celebrating one of their kid's birthday. They ordered from the hamburger place and sat in the courtyard with everyone else. The guy has lips that every Playboy girl longs to have. I fully respect him as an actor in stuff like "28 Day Later" and "Batman Begins" because it looks like an 8 year old kid can kick his butt.
Also at the Brentwood Market, smaller courtyard-the guy who was Jack Black's roommate in "School of Rock"....(imdbing now)... Mike White. OH-he was in "Chuck and Buck"! See, the BF recognized him from Rock, but I recognized him from C & B. Anyway, he was by himself also looking pale. Damn, that guy has written a lot of movies. Thanks IMDB!
· Saw Tom Hanks in his grey Honda Element in the Palisades in Friday. We were both stuck in traffic on Sunset.
Also saw Jamie Lee Curtis leaving the Palisades Starbucks around noon on Friday, she looked angry. Maybe someone put skim instead of soy in her latté.
· Apparently when I go to overpriced Italian restaurants on the westside, I will always run into Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. Initially it was at Giorgio Baldi's, but this Saturday night, it was at Il Grano. My reservation was early on at 7:30 and they were already eating their entrees in the back booth. They had a child in tow. Perhaps it was Calista's adopted son? Either way, he looked hot despite his old man droopy ass.
· Drew Barrymore sucking face with a scrawny-looking guy who looked familiar but I had to be told was Spike Jonze at Golden Gopher downtown Fri night (3/2). She looked great actually, definitely skinnier than when she dated that drummer.They were pretty annoying, giggling and touching and making out. Then they started slow-dancing to Patsy Cline even though no one else was, but the song switched to Arcade Fire so they sat down and kissed more. A fast Beck song came on and they danced again (still no one joined) but were gone next time I passed on the way to the pisser.
· Saw Sandra Bullock and Jesse James arguing over the rightful possession of a chai latte in Seal Beach. Sandra emerged as the victor in this little Friday afternoon melodrama and everybody sighed in relief, knowing that the SandraBullock-JesseJames-ChaiTea-Equilibrium had again been restored to default levels.
Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey at the bar of Campanile on Grill "McCreamy" Cheese Thursday.
Reba McEntire trading in her Doritos for raw rolls at Koi on Saturday night. Reba was quite the paparazzi with digicam.
· On March 1st I was in the Trader Joe's on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood and Jason Bateman was also there stocking up on a few goodies. Among the items in his cart was his self-service freshly ground natural peanut butter.
· On Sunday, March 4th I spotted Sidney Poitier shopping that the Whole Foods on Crescent in Beverly Hills. He shops there just about every Sunday afternoon. He's always alone, and wears a baseball cap and a natty-looking tweed sportcoat. He seems to go unnoticed by the other shoppers as I've never seen him sign an autograph or get recognised by adoring vegan shoppers.
· Friday, 10 am. Kiki Dunst at Fred's 62 in Los Feliz. Very skinny, but cute with converse sneaks, tight jeans, a white T-shirt and rockin' some serious fuck off sunglasses. Looked like she was waiting for someone and amused herself with a dog tied up at the next table.
· We were on our way to the Cinerama Dome to see "Zodiac" Saturday night and spotted both Michael C. Hall of "Six Feet Under" and "Dexter" and Rose McGowan (not together!) leaving the Arclight.
· On 3/05 I was in the Beverly Hills Beauty supply store, and Donatella Versace was there with two other men. All were dressed completely in black. Donatella was speaking in Italian to an enormously tall man, and there was another Brit there as well. She bought multiples of everything (she'll have 8 of those perfume candles, 6 of that shampoo, 4 of that foundation, 6 of that eye cream), before paying for everything with her American Express, saying goodbye to everyone and waiting in the alley for her purchases with the giant Italian. The Brit was left to carry out the 3 over-stuffed bags to the car (and promising to come back at closing time for the 3 remaining shopping bags.)
· Spotted Albert Brooks at his wife's gallery opening at the Taylor De Cordoba gallery in Culver City this past Friday March 2nd. He was very nice but a little freaked out by direct references to the earliest days of his film career. What, did he want me to bring up My First Mister? Who the hell wants do that? I could have bugged him for a few Simpsons quotes I guess.
· I was driving by at about 30 mph: 3/3/07 - Saw Nicole Richie at about 5:00 p.m. on Sunset Blvd. in Pacific Pallisades, CA with a young guy scruffy face brunette hair. She was wearing a butternut squash long suede coat with honey brown fur trim. If it wasn't her: she has a twin.
· Saturday, March 3rd 11:30 AM saw Chris Klein and Ginnifer Goodwin at John O'Groat's...again! They must go there every Saturday, so if you're a fan, that's the place to be. They were with two other younger folk and two older people - maybe someone's parents?
Whit Stillman's go-to guy Chris Eigeman in the downstairs part of the Arclight on Saturday, March 3rd around 5pm, making a beeline for the loo. Looked good - lean, well-dressed.
Sunday, March 4th 2pm-ish - Kevin Connolly upstairs at JCrew picking out clothes with a very helpful salesman. Short and darling.
· Last week or so (around 2/19 or something) saw Kirstie Alley with a binder-clutching assistant type at Alcove. It was about 1:30 and it appeared they discussed the line and decided against. Kirstie looked quite attractive and normal-person svelte I must say, which is really the only reason I'm writing this one in. The woman deserves an anonymous cyber compliment. Nice outfit, Kirstie!
· Saw Kevin Smith with his daughter at Noah's Bagels on Larchmont Sunday morning (shortly after the marathon went by on Rossmore). Cute father-daughter interaction. Bizarre and inexplicable olive green coat (looked kinda like a robe) on K.S. - looked like he'd just stumbled out of bed to buy his dozen bagels.
· Granted, it's only the 2nd of march, but it must be the upcoming st. patrick's day holiday causing me to see not one, but two kinda irish-ish celebrities. first it was former "Charmed" hotness Lochlyn Munro at Panera Bakery in Studio City. Then, b'gosh and begorrah if i didn't see the omnipresent "Grounded for Life," "Ghost Rider," "Zodiac,""Knights of Prosperity" actor Donald Logue and what appeared to be his two sons, at the Studio City California Pizza Kitchen. color me green.
· Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) was sitting two rows in front of me at the Bob Seger concert last night (3/1) at the Forum in Inglewood. Not to be too stalkerish but her exact seat was Loge 7, Row C, Seat 2. She was with some dude that looked like her boyfriend without being opverly boyfriendish. She seemed to be having a good time, even sang along during "Hollywood Nights." She took some hopeless camera phone shots of the stage and did a little bit of texting. And they even managed to stick around for the very end of the show!
· I ran into jason ritter (john ritter's son) buying a lot of potato chips, I'm serious a lot of potato chips and no basket at the Brentwood Ralph's on Bundy and Wilshire. He had that celebrity look like please don't recognize who I am (but really he wanted someone to notice him). Then he paid for his chips and left in a new car - a black sports car.
· The 'Sc-Abbey', West Hollywood, Saturday 3-3-07
Nanny 'star' Fran Drescher with her now gay ex-husband Peter something.....all her irritating nasal laughter sure paid for a nice set of teeth on him
Extreme Makeover-home editions landscaper/not really good at anything else but we have to keep him, Eduardo Xol...that must explain the painfully campy-over the top-not even good for a gay guy video, he made for sundays episode.
· Just saw Chris Robinson at Whole Foods in Woodland Hills. He was buying groceries with a dread-locked tubby white guy. Couldn't see what they were buying except for toilet paper. They got in to a black Dodge Heavy Duty 4x4 truck.
· Blast from the past: Twin Peaks' Ray Wise, Laura Palmer's dad, in the checkout line at Ralph's in Glendale 3/2. Smartly dressed in a suit. Buying some kind of clear alcohol (vodka?), Doritos and toilet paper. Sounds like a helluva party. In the parking lot, saw him actually return his shopping cart to the shopping cart corral, rather than leave it in the parking lot to damage other cars, something most non-TV actors don't even do. Way to be, Ray.
· 6:45 PM, Thurs Mar 1 - Went on a "pretend we're on vacation" mid-week, mid-afternoon bar crawl down Melrose. Was walking out of Tao knock-off "Red Pearl" as a blurry twosome speed walked by us from the bathrooms to the exit....It was Danny Bonaduce tugging/dragging the arm of a kid, a blonde afro'd muppet kid dressed like a cast member from sister VH1 reality show, The White Rapper Show. The kid was 36 inches tall and nearly tripping over his Baron Davis basketball jersey dragging along the floor. Bonaduce sausaged himself in to a tight black tee, a studded leather belt with 80's fake punk spikes that you can buy at Hot Topic 7 years ago, and dark jeans...he was fingering a foil bag of "Corn Nuts" upside down by the door. The Maitre 'd asked "Where have you been lately?" Bonaduce was answering "Ah man.....I've been really deep in to....." (and sadly my earshot expired before I could hear what he has been deep in to, but I am sure it is good and narcotic related)