With your help, we've ID'd 14 of the potentially worst bosses in New York. We'll be parading them in front of you daily, and when we're done, we'll all decide together who's the worst. Feel free to shout out your suggestions if any of these tales joggles a traumatized (or happy) memory!

French Women Don't Get Fat is the bestselling advice and cookery book that gave false hope to millions of Brie-loving American women who so do, but before Mireille Guiliano wrote that masterpiece—and its cashin'-in follow-up, French Women For All Seasons—she was the CEO of wine importer Cliquot, Inc. She wasn't stingy with the slimming secrets in that position either, apparently!

According to one tipster, she would routinely write out "diet plans" for girls in the office who got "too fat, like more than 125 lbs." The same lady claims that Guiliano didn't have the strongest of work ethics, often indulging in ultralong champers-laden business lunches (well, duh!) But she didn't encourage similar laxity in her staff, it seems. "When 9/11 went down it didn't really affect her and she went to work like half the city was not on fire or anything on 9/12. On 9/13 we got a note in our inboxes about NOT COMING INTO WORK ON 9/12. It reprimanded us and detailed the procedure to follow about calling in to let HR know we wouldn't make it. One of the girls had lost a cousin in the first plane to hit the tower and everyone else was affected in some way. Not a word in the email about the disaster, nothing, just a 'If I can make it to work you can too attitude.'"

Oh, but worse still: we hear she can't cook! Like, at all.

We Are Looking For Some Bad Bosses!