Richard Abate Sued By ICM

Variety may think that lit agent Richard Abate's track record is "classy," but his old bosses at ICM probably wouldn't characterize his exit as such. In fact, they're suing him, claiming that his departure for Endeavor violates his contract with them, which stipulated that he couldn't work for a competitor before 2008. They also claim that Abate "was making $20,500 a year as an assistant book publisher when it hired him in 1996. Thanks to ICM's contacts, Abate increased his earnings more than tenfold." Perhaps 'thanks to ICM's contacts' is a bit of an exaggeration, though? He did also, like, yell at a lot of people all on his own!
This Is The Thanks We Get, Talent Agency Tells Federal Court [CN]
Earlier: Richard Abate Takes His "Long Classy Track Record" To Endeavor