• It looks like Washington Square Park is finally going to get that long-awaited, long-debated makeover. Related story: NYU starts its own "Park Renaming Committee." Current favorite: The Tisch-Starbucks-Recreational Area. [metroblogging nyc]
  • According to this blogger, the question you should ask yourself when moving into a new apartment is, "Are a booze person or a crack person?" Another good one: "Are you a poor person or a rich person?" [hot johnny]
  • Do you really want to watch a TV show interrupted by the insights of people you don't know and probably wouldn't like or respect if you did know? [ironic sans]
  • Click and enjoy (because deep down you know you're a sucker for kittens with lime helmets, baby pandas in Tupperware, puppies hula-hooping and all that other cuteness-out-of-context shit). [high class jackass]