In the week before David Blum was 86'd from the Village Voice, he'd largely completed a remake of the poor alt weekly. Since Tony Ortega stepped into the editor's office on Friday, he's already begun tweaking with the layout of the paper himself, including the front of book, even while making the rounds and saying hello to each staff member. According to one source, in Ortega's early rejiggerings, the Press Clips column was killed—and that Keach Hagey will still cover media, but not in that classic form. Other staffers said they'd been told this wasn't true, and a Voice spokesperson agreed with them: "No, that's not at all what's happening." The paper closes late Monday nights, and Press Clips was online before noon last week, but has yet to make an appearance as of 1:50 p.m. today. Well, as near as we can tell on that website, which is only two steps up from that new abomination that the Daily News barfed onto the Internets the other day.