'Voice' To Suck Slightly Less, Starting Immediately

Okay, maybe it's not all doom and gloom at Tony Ortega's Voice: Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow is returning! "Basically," he writes on his blog, "the editor who didn't like my work was suddenly ousted, and his replacement turned out to be somebody who's been championing it for years." No more having to sit through that fucking Salon ad! Good first step. But we're hearing about an even better one: "Married, Not Dead," is, in fact, dead. Yes! [Pumps fist, etc.] Damn you, Ortega, you may make us like the Voice after all. Okay, probably not, but maybe.
Sometimes things work out in unexpected ways [This Modern World]
Earlier: New 'Voice' Sex Columnists Make Us Nostalgic For Rachel Kramer Bussel's Cleavage
We promise this is the last time we will mention the Voice today unless their PR chick Maggie Shnayerson rapes and murders Robert Sietsema. Sadly, we can make no such assurances about Sarah Lewitinn's cans, which deserve at least a few more posts.