Fashion student Catherine Tuck was "just another girl" when she lived in Brazil. Now that she lives in New York, though, she's "just another Brazilian girl." Life is hard when you're tall and pretty and from Brazil! After the jump, Intern Alexis asks Jen Adams, Ben Zelevansky and Christina Kallery to reassure Catherine that she's a special unique snowflake, and also insult her wrap.

Jen Adams, judgmental writer

Catherine Tuck is a design student. What does she design?
Open source software. You wouldn't know it to look at her, but that girl is a Java whiz.

Catherine apparently likes herself more here in New York than in
Brazil. Where do you like Catherine more?
Wait, she's from Brazil? I must have missed that.

I'm going to have to go with Catherine in New York. It helps the rest of us out when there are girls out there willing to fall for guys using the old "Oh my God, bikinis and stuff" line. Really separates the wheat from the chaff, you know?

What does Catherine pack in her back when she jets off to Brazil for the weekend?
She loads up on incense, cheap belts, and little yellow toy taxis so that in the event that she is stopped on the sidewalk by Sao Paulo Magazine, she can preach about how much she prefers NYC street style to the generic Brazilian one, a somewhat ironic rant coming from someone who got caught wearing a five dollar pashmina in front of Forever 21. Of course, I imagine Catherine has been referred to as "kind of a generic Gisele Bundchen" during more than one morning after roundup.

Ben Zelevansky, creator, Unleashed

Catherine Tuck is a design student. What does she design?
Accessories for fashionably oversized sunglasses. Her thesis project is a massive Kevlar-plated glasses case lined with cashmere and powered by Honda's new earth-friendly Integrated Motor Assist hybrid engine. Catherine's work has won the coveted endorsement of Officer Frank Poncherello of the California Highway Patrol.

Catherine apparently likes herself more here in New York than in Brazil. Where do you like Catherine more?

Catherine and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I like her best deep in the Amazonian rainforest, surrounded by dense thickets of mangrove and the chirping of a lonely tree frog. In this lush, exotic locale, it becomes very difficult to hear the slurring, throaty, heavily-accented monotone she calls a voice.

What does Catherine pack in her back when she jets off to Brazil for the weekend?
Oh my God, like bikinis and stuff.

NOTE: Smart travelers like Catherine know not to pack a jacket or wrap... as she ably demonstrates in this clip, a purloined airline blanket is all you need to stay warm, be it here in the big city or in the cozy byways of the Regi o Metropolitana de S o Paulo.

Christina Kallery, dreamer, hack, shoe-collector

Catherine Tuck is a design student. What does she design?
Costumes for romance novel covers with titles like ,Prep School Swashbucklers, Ivy League Sex Pirate, and Lust and Oxfords on the High Seas.

Catherine apparently likes herself more here in New York than in Brazil. Where do you like Catherine more?
In a faraway land free from the dictates of Vogue where she can indulge her muses: CHiPs meets Ralph Lauren at a community theater production of Zoro.

What does Catherine pack in her back when she jets off to Brazil for the weekend?
Burlap blankets in every color of the rainbow and her prized mirrored sunglasses she swiped off the night table after a steamy night with Eric Estrada.

Video Look Book [NYMag]