Hollywood Hepatitis ScareWatch: Bullock, Barrymore At Risk!

It's been a tense couple of weeks since Hollywood event catering watchdog group TMZ.com has made any headway in its selfless crusade to inform the entertainment industry's party-going populace about their potential risk of a Hepatitis A infection from partaking of the delicious hors d'oureves served at 14 ultra-secret Wolfgang Puck-catered events staffed by a Hep-afflicted cook.
Today, however, TMZ has obtained a letter sent out to guests of a February 7th party for Music & Lyrics informing them (including such high-wattage, buffet-hitting names like Sandra Bullock, Drew Barrymore, and Hugh Grant) that consuming the scrumptious tacos, loaded potato skins, and always-deadly peanut butter Fluffer Nutters on offer that fateful night may have put them at remote risk of infection, correspondence that was tragically delivered far too late for any concerned attendees to take preventive medical measures. While the Health Department has been less than cooperative in assisting TMZ in its quest to disseminate life-saving information about the scare, they've quietly been monitoring all potential Hepatitis A victims for signs that they've contracted the disease; the moment that Barrymore or Bullock display any symptoms, they'll be immediately rounded up and relocated to a celebrity internment camp, where they'll be forced to live out the rest of their miserable, liver-ravaged days among other jaundiced zombies in an attempt to contain a plague that could quickly decimate the city's population.