• Chris Rock doesn't know when Good Will Hunting came out. Aren't you totally shocked and surprised? [why don't we get drunk and blog?]
  • Here are some things this blogger thinks makes you a real New Yorker. Our vote for the number one thing that makes you not a real New Yorker: calling 6th Avenue "Avenue of the Americas."[monkey in my pants]
  • Four thousand, five hundred dollars for a "punk" chair in your library?! For that price, you could get an actual punk to live in your library and use him as a chair for the rest of his life. Just make sure he takes all those spiky, metal studs off his clothes first. Ouch! [copyranter]
  • Olivia Newton John is pretty tired. Napoleon Dynamite is pretty tired. The combination of the two is more over than a girl in Ugg boots, adjusting her neckerchief at a Beenie Babies convention. [fish drink water]