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The first photograph of latest Angelina Jolie orphan acquisition Pax Thien (née Pham Quang Sang) comes not, as we might have expected, in an impeccably shot Annie Leibovitz Vanity Fair spread dramatically depicting the actress's multicultural brood as delegates within the world's most adorable United Nations assembly, but in this simple wire service image of all the children available at the now world-famous Tam Binh orphanage at the time of Jolie and Brad Pitt's Thanksgiving urchin-scouting trip.

As you can clearly see in the photo, veteran collector Jolie selected the current cutest specimen from the group, bypassing the rookie temptation to gamble that the smaller, younger-seeming child at the bottom right might ultimately have a higher ceiling of attractiveness. And don't feel bad for the kids passed over in favor of young Pax; the exposure they'll soon receive through this photo's dissemination throughout the media will almost definitely land them in the homes of lower-tier celebrities looking to get a piece of the soon-to-be red-hot Vietnamese adoption trend.

[Photo: Getty Images/AFP]