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Details about every virtually moment of press-shy orphan collector Angelina Jolie's ("Photographs and press coverage will make him upset. I'm very worried about that. I would like to say I'm sorry for bringing this into Pax's life," she recently wept into a tape recorder, lamenting that there was no television camera nearby to more fully document her visible distress) trip to Vietnam to pick up her latest toddler acquisition continue to flood the media, with orphanage officials willing to go on the record about the Orphan Formerly Known as Pham Quang Sang's earliest moments as an official member of the Jolie clan. Here, one describes how some harmless subterfuge was used to coax the child into a large burlap sack held by Pax Thien's new mom to complete the adoption process:

"We did not say anything to him, afraid we might put pressure on him and more frightened," Tuyen said. "We just told him that we are taking him out. You are going to play outside - play with a mother and father."

Still, the orphanage staff prepared him as best they could: They packed a small box with two sets of clothes for him to take, and his favorite toys, especially a small plastic piano. They also taught him a few phrases of English: "How are you?" and "What's your name?"

The orphanage staff was careful not to train him to say his own, newer moniker, knowing that the "very clever" boy might use the English constructions he'd already been taught to start asking the kinds of uncomfortable questions like, "Why did Famous Mommy give me a new name? The one I had was perfectly fine," which are best tackled in the presence of a child psychologist experienced in the tricky dynamics of celebrity cross-cultural adoption.

[Photo: AP]