With your help, we've ID'd some of the potentially worst bosses in New York. We'll be parading them in front of you daily, and when we're done, we'll all decide together who's the worst. Feel free to shout out your suggestions if any of these tales joggles a traumatized (or happy) memory!

American Civil Liberties Union spokeswoman Emily Whitfield has been a busy beaver of late. Over the summer, she had to issue a great many hedgy statements about the ACLU's controversial attempt to limit its board members' ability to criticize its leadership. Then she had to do even more damage control when 30 longtime ACLU supporters called for an ouster of said leadership. It's enough to make anyone a little testy.

A caveat: based on what we hear, Whitfield isn't mean so much as she is 'nonprofit-mean,' which is sort of like 'book-hot.' We hear she screams sometimes, and fires people, and goes through assistants rapidly. More interesting, though, is that "a specific producer at CNN will beg like a baby to not have to speak with her." Also, that she's the "most feared and least favorite staff member at the entire ACLU as well as among other impact litigation and social justice nonprofits in the NYC area." We're promised that the "floodgates will open" when we publish her name, so let's have your takes on Whitfield—as a boss and a co-worker only, please—both pro and con. Don't be afraid! Free speech and all, right?

Earlier: Evil Bosses

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