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An investigation is currently underway to get to the bottom of precisely what occurred last night in Palos Verdes, when "whoa"-intoning matinee idol Keanu Reeves peeled away from a curb in his Porsche and allegedly sideswiped a paparazzo lurking nearby:

According to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, "Mr. Reeves pulled out of a parking space, parallel to the curb, and grazed a paparazzo" with his 1996 Porsche, around 8:45 PM Monday night in Rancho Palos Verdes.

The Sheriff's Dept. claims that the man then, "fell to the ground," and "paramedics were summoned." The photog was transported by ambulance to a local hospital, where he was treated for unknown injuries. Reeves was not injured during the accident.

It pains us to think Reeves now moves among the same paparazzi-mowing ranks as lesser celebrity road hazards, who have turned vehicular photographer stalking into a safari bloodsport. We're therefore hopeful the investigation will reveal that Reeves didn't intentionally mean to cause any harm to the workaday shutterbug or his equipment, and that he merely assumed his Porsche's momentary jostling was the result of a soft and crunchy speed bump that was also equipped to yelp in pain when driven over.