Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Brad Pitt Dines With Hollywood Types At Paramount-Adjacent Mexican Eatery

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so we encourage you to send them in often, regardless of political affiliation. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw M.C. Hammer lurking for an inordinate amount of time at a movie theater condiments bar.
In today's episode: Brad Pitt; John C. Reilly; Martin Sheen; Emilio Esteves; T.R. Knight; Larry King; Andre 3000; David Spade, Eric Dane, James Blunt, Jesse Metcalfe, and Joey Fatone; Jeremy Sisto, Horatio Sanz, French Stewart, and Ken Davitian; Adrian Grenier; Ryan Reynolds; Denise Richards; Neil Patrick Harris; Milo Ventimiglia; Chloe Sevigny and Keshia Knight Pulliam; Justin Chatwin and Molly Sims; Jennifer Finnigan, Jonathan Silverman, Michael McDonald; Jackie Warner and Rebecca Cardon; Common; Dave Grohl; M.C. Hammer and Alfonso Ribeiro.
· Today (3/17) I went for a late lunch at Lucy's El Adobe in Hollywood and as I was walking in from the back, seated outside, was none other than Brad Pitt and two studio types. He looked good, nice motorcycle jacket and jeans.
· John C. Reilly was with his family at the Hastens bed store in Culver City on Saturday. Hastens sells the world's most expensive mattresses. Mr. Reilly was decidedly unfriendly and just scowled when a fellow conspicuous consumer said hello. According to the sales lady, he had just spent $24,000.00 on a mattress! Perhaps that was why he was so grumpy.
· Saturday, 3/17, at the Peace Rally/War Protest thing on Hollywood Blvd - wandering through the group of hippies/college students/public television journalists I spotted Martin Sheen, out mixing with the protesters. Looking casual in jeans and a green hoodie, he was surrounded by people interviewing him with mini tape recorders and video cameras. He didn't seem to have any security or bodyguards by his side, just a man in a suit and a turban who was patiently waiting for some one-on-one time.
· Saw Emilio Esteves today (3/19) at Co-op in Santa Monica around 2:00pm. He ordered a sandwich from the deli counter, wandered aimlessly around the store, and then picked up a basket for his shopping convenience. He looked kinda chunky and was wearing faded cheap-looking jeans (maybe circa 1992) with a sweatshirt and grubby sneakers. Not gonna lie, I was kinda disappointed in Mr. Mighty Ducks. Looked more like a guy from a construction site than a powerful Hollywood family.
· Tuesday evening, 3-19, spotted T.R. Knight at Gold's Hollywood. Standing around with a trainer in the weight room for a while, but not lifting anything. I've seen Eric Dane there too! (But not recently, so don't bold that.)
· Driving through the flats today in Beverly Hills, I stopped for Larry King as he walked across the street in front of me. He was by himself and appeared to be in reasonably decent shape—considering he had surgery to unblock his carotid artery only 3 days ago! He was intently talking on his cellphone the entire time I watched him, but he also had a tube extending down behind his right ear. I think he must now also be in a contest with his wife Shawn as to who gets the thinnest. Larry is VERY thin.
· I saw Andre 3000 of Outkast looking very tame and low-key at the Ralph's supermarket at the corner of Ventura and Vineland. It was Saturday night (3/17) around midnight. He was there with another guy and girl.
· if you ever want to watch david spade enter Les Deux (and why would you?) you could have last night at 10:25 PM (Friday, 3.16). He was trailed by 3 girls and Kevin Farley brought up the rear of his starting 5. (more people came or accumulated later). Nobody thought he had "dookie drawers", but it would be hard to tell. Maybe he caught wind of the last PW post and is self conscious because he was sporting an out of place black knee length winter trench coat and matching black generic sneakers that looked almost orthopedic. A promoter guy with a cane greeted him at the rope with a hug and assured him "I put you in table 104", which turned out to be the 4th table counting counter clockwise from the bar in the garden. Also in attendance but not with Spade: James Blunt, Joey Fatone, Jesse Metcalfe, and some blonde girl from "Beauty and the Geek". McSteamy/Eric Dane. He was there too.
· These all occurred Saturday, 17 March (the last one was the next morning):
The night started out with a frail-ish French Stewart standing behind us at an ATM in Hollywood. I never realized that the perpetual squinty look he has is actually his face and not something he does when in character. He was not wearing any green that I noticed.
Then, on the first beer run of the night, at a convenience store on Franklin, a semi-bloated Jeremy Sisto (minus any green clothing) wandered in alone and loitered by the broken ATM machine. Sigh. I'd still hit it.
On the second beer run of the night, at the Mayfair Market on Franklin, we saw Horatio Sanz accompanied by a girl who, at first glance, appeared to be Lisa Loeb (but upon further consideration couldn't have been much older than 21). They were both unenthusiastically dressed for the holiday - him in a red/grey flannel shirt and cargo shorts and her in a blue minidress. They purchased what would normally be an outrageous amount of beer (not all of it would fit in their cart) but, hey - St. Patrick's Day.
The next morning saw Ken Davitian (thank you, IMDB) at the Claim Jumper Northridge location. He opened the door for his wife (?) and let it slam in my face. How rude!
Also: Saw Adrian Grenier plus at least 7 people celebrating a very hipster St. Patty's Day with brunch at Dusty's in Silverlake. He looked pretty good, definitely very Eastside, and was a total normal person height (not mini like all the rest of those Hollywood leading men Tom Cruise).
· Fri 3/16 @ 11:50am - Van Wilder himself, Ryan Reynolds, getting ready to ride off on his silver Ducati motorcycle on Roxbury Drive and little Santa Monica. The bike caught my attention first before the rider.
· Denise Richards and blonde lady friend at the Brentwood Country Mart this afternoon (3-19). Denise is a total babe in person too. And yes, even skinnier.
· Doogie Howser MD aka Neil Patrick Harris at the original and still best Katsu-ya in Studio City on Sunday March 18. Rollin' in a Prius. The albacore was great.
· Today (3/16), saw Milo Ventimiglia of "Gilmore Girls" and "Heroes" fame at Wahoo's in West LA. He was just as hot in person and seemed very laid-back.
· I was at the Apple store at The Grove (3-16). First, a nostalgia moment... Upstairs waiting for the Genius Bar peeps was little Rudy Huxtable all growed up. Miss Keshia Knight Pulliam in a green t and jeans looking very normal, attractive and low key. Next, a moment that just made me angry. Stupid Chloe Sevigny wearing some dumpy retro shorts/dress stiff something of somesort shopping for headphones. She just makes me want to spit. twice. Not that I'm in a mood or anything. clean karma... clean karma...
· Spotted right in front of me @ the spanish kitchen on La Cienaga. Molly Sims and hottie boyfriend Justin Chatwin. They're kissing and cuddling and she is really pretty and really skinny but not at all intimidating looking. Sigh, it's just not fair.
· It was a long, long Saturday, filled to the brim with vodka and limes. Due to the beautiful weather, I felt it necessary to eject myself from my house and go to Marix. In a sea of green (everyone seemed to have gotten the memo but me, about St Patty's day...) sitting delicately amongst her usual crew of beautiful gays, was 3 time daytime emmy award winning actress and prime time star of the CBS drama Close to Home, Jennifer Finnigan. Her slightly washed up (but maybe having a carreer revival?) fiancegay... I mean fiance Jonathan Silverman was there too. At some point a parade of others tromped in, including the ever ready comedic wonder that is Michael McDonald (Stewart from Mad TV).
Then I went to the Abbey where that tired old lez Jackie Warner was all handsy with newly minted gal pal/lesbian Rebecca Cardon, who also used to be on the Amazing Race. She is SMOKIN'.
· Rapper/Actor/Gap-shiller Common at Campanile last night (3/19). Was with an attractive woman, seemed like could've been a date. They were drinking tea throughout dinner; consistent with his whole vegetarian thing.
· Saw Dave Grohl at the Studio City Farmer's Market yesterday (3-18). He was the ultimate cool dad, sporting the baby bjorn and carrying his baby girl. He is obviously less germ-phobic than me because he took her into the petting zoo to check out the animals.
· M.C. Hammer sunday 3/19 right around 10p at Mann Chinese 6 He spent nearly as much time at the condiment bar as i spent in their slow ass concession line, which was literally 15 minutes... The former M.C. was sporting a Sean Jean hoodie, which i could not help but find ironic... He wasn't in my movie, but i assume he was going to check out Norbit...
· How sad is my life that I spent fifteen minutes tonight on Google figuring out that it was Alfonso Ribeiro who was staring at me at the Studio City Hand Carwash (yeah, the one with the big effing hand holding the car on Ventura Blvd.) this morning (3/16). I never watched "Fresh Prince," but the geek lobe in my brain is so large and all-encompassing that there was still room in it for his image, in spite of all the Star Trek trivia I've been trying to forget for 25 years filling it up.