Dear Blogger,

You are receiving this letter because I believe you and I share the same dream: The dream of making untold millions through the power of the Internet. Do you blog? Do you have interesting things to say? Can you join the discussion and contribute something meaningful? Of course you can. And now, with my help, you can be on the "blogging A-list," which we'll pretend doesn't actually exist because it drives the C-listers crazy. Allow me to introduce my self, motherfuckers. My name is Jason Calacanis, and I'm an "Entrepreneur in Action" at Sequoia Capital.

What does that mean? What it means is that I've discovered a way to turn blogs into a money-making proposition and I can call myself whatever the fuck I want. Most people call me Mr. Calacanis, because I'm that rich, but I prefer Jason, because it sounds more humble! Like me! I can afford to be humble; the Calacanis plan has provided me with untold wealth!

Don't believe it works? Let me tell you a few stories. Elizabeth Spiers of Wetumpka, Alabama, was a business journalist. Now she runs her own blog company! Xeni Jardin was a conference producer. Now she's the chick from Boing Boing! Amanda Congdon was a nobody from Connecticut with a great rack. Now she's an employee of DuPont who plays "journalist" in her spare time. What do all these people have in common? They never let anyone else limit their success. They took their place in the blogosphere. They didn't let ANYONE squeeze them into your antiquated motherfucking paradigms.They harnessed the power of what I like to call Calacanisity.

Here's the deal. Take $1000. Put it in an envelope. Send that envelope to me. Pass this letter on to three of your blogger friends, instructing them to in turn pass it along to three of their blogger friends. (Please make sure that they all send the $1000 to me, Jason Calacanis.) In a few months I will get back to you and discuss "brand equity." What is it? What can it do for you? All in good time!

Maybe you should be more worried about what might happen if you don't take me up on this offer. Alex Balk of New York, New York, tossed this letter in the trash without reading it. Now? He slaves away each day for one of New York's worst bosses, where he is forced to point out how my latest blog post sounds like a chain letter under his own name! Do you want something like that to happen to you? I didn't think so.

I look forward to having you on my team!

Jason... OUT!

More proof that there is no A List (or at least if there is, it means NOTHING!) []