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Yesterday's self-imposed 2 p.m. deadline for After Dark Films to remove the controversial Captivity billboards turning various Los Angeles intersections into gruesome instruction manuals on the capture, imprisonment, torture, and disposal of B-list actresses has come and gone, but buck-passing CEO Courtney Solomon's clean-up crew seems to be lagging a bit behind schedule, as reports of extant snuff ads have come in:

· Was driving up Fairfax tonight around 8 PM and those billboards (which were supposed to be taken down around 2 this afternoon) are still being displayed for all to see. The offending ads I saw were at Wilshire and Fairfax and the three-way intersection of Fairfax, Olympic, and San Vicente. There were also a ton of bus shelter ads (too many to count). Guess AfterDark is really living up to their end of the bargain on this one.

· [03/21, 7:44 a.m.] The Billboard on san vicente and fairfax is still up!

We sincerely hope that any stragglers are taken down by the close of business today, lest After Dark and Lionsgate's sensitive story (in theaters May 18th!) about a woman's self-empowering triumph over a misogynist tormentor suffers further damage from the sensationalistic, attention-drawing advertisements that misrepresent its noble message. We'll keep you updated on their progress in this matter as new information comes in.

[Photo; CineFile Video]