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Not everyone is pleased by the news that the Hampton Jitney will be making stop(s?) in Brooklyn this spring. Upper West Siders, usually a restrained, voiceless group, are complaining that they lack similar service, even though they live in Manhattan. The downtrodden residents of the better borough sing of their suffering.

Jacqueline Jankoff, a bubbly, curly-haired Upper West Side resident, stocks up on groceries at Zabar's every Friday during the summer before catching the 86th Street crosstown bus to Lexington Avenue, where she boards the Jitney and relaxes in the roomy bus on the way to her Amagansett beach house. After 18 years of this weekend routine, Ms. Jankoff says she could make the crosstown trip with her eyes closed, but that doesn't lighten her grocery load.

"I come here, and then I have to schlep my shopping bags across town on the bus," Ms. Jankoff said over a sample of goat cheese at Zabar's. "I love the Jitney, but I wish it came here."

You know, if there were any real justice in this world, the Jitney would stop in both Brooklyn and the Upper West Side. And then it would drive straight to a "re-education camp." The kind where no one gets out alive.

Jitney Jilts Manhattan's West Side, as Brooklyn Gets Its Own Pickup [NYS]
Earlier: Brooklynites Will Bring Their Comical Accents, Foul Habits To Delightful Hamptons Bus