• There's a lot of backbiting and infighting at the Los Angeles Times, which is completely unusual behavior at a major newspaper. [NYT]
  • Kurt Eichenwald's "checkbook journalism" controversy may keep him out of the first issue of Portfolio, which should give him plenty of free time to file that lawsuit he keeps talking about. [WWD]
  • Quick recap of the action in the first week of Conrad Black's fraud trial. [ToTheCenter]
  • At this point we don't care who buys Tribune, we just want to see an end to this fucking story. Now Ron Burkle and Eli Broad have popped up again. [NYT]
  • Donald Rumsfeld was asked to guest-edit the LAT's Current section after producer Brian Grazer. Say sources at the paper, "We wanted to find someone responsible for a bigger disaster than Cinderella Man." [DHD]
  • Those American Media numbers: not so good. [WWD]
  • Dana Vachon: not a fuckup. Dana Vachon's audience: Easily influenced. [NYM]
  • Former Voice editor David Blum returns to his old stomping grounds to bemoan the lack of critics willing to take on Joan Didion. There's a lot of unpacking to do on this one. [NYS]
  • The album is dying. Articles about the death of the album, however, seem to have a healthy future. [NYT]
  • Esquire EIC David Granger's in-laws promise that he's still pure Tennessee. So sweet! [Thomas P.M. Barnett]