So Life magazine, which seems to have had nine of them, has once more shuffled off this mortal coil. Time Inc. CEO Ann Moore's barely-moved farewell to the mag follows. For more information about 'Life' magazine, ask your great-grandparents.

To: Time Inc. Staff

From: Ann Moore


I regret to inform you that we will no longer be producing LIFE magazine, effective with the April 20th 2007 issue. We remain committed to the LIFE brand, and will be concentrating on expanding the title's other businesses, including a new photographic portal making millions of LIFE photos available to the public.

LIFE Magazine was a truly innovative publishing venture. It was developed, edited and published by some of the best talent in the business and we can remain proud of its many achievements. LIFE enjoyed strong consumer support. Research showed readers consistently placed it above its competitors in terms of quality edit and photography. In addition, consumers couldn't get enough of the LIFE picture puzzles, with the Picture Puzzle book quickly becoming a New York Times Best Seller.