• Whether or not your dreams are your ticket out, this seems like a remarkably labor-intensive idea. [Ironic Sans]
  • Unlikely roommates: Barbie and the Virgin Mary. [Lost City]
  • CNN reporter trapped in shower at JFK. No mention of Greg Lindsay, oddly. [CNN]
  • Some viewers described Katie Couric by using "frankly unprintable" epithets in the wake of her interview with John Edwards. We're guessing "[name of a medical procedure that starts with "c"] [rude name (in America) for ladyparts that starts with "c"]," but we're sure you have your own suggestions. Also, color us shocked if that phrase actually makes it past edit. [Ed. Note: Yeah good call, Balk.] We're also guessing Nonstopoli, the CBS public editor, wrote half of them himself. [CBSNews]