The Bomb Threat E!Vacuation: First Cameraphone Photo From The Scene!

Lost in the multiple earlier reports of Ryan Seacrest's thrilling, Aston Martin-aided escape from the bomb-threatened E! headquarters a little while ago (there is little doubt that the Idol producers would have been happy to see the whole building reduced to smoldering rubble if that meant their host made his rehearsal on time) is the fact that rank-and-file employees were apparently evacuated without incident (and without the benefit of luxurious escape pods). A reader submits this photo of the impromptu refugee camp forming in the office building's courtyard, which we're told will soon form a provisional government that will immediately dispatch foragers to cross Wilshire Boulevard and obtain food from the Koo Koo Roo before they're all forced to result to cannibalism.
UPDATE: Crisis over! Writes an anonymous E! staffer: "As a staffer at E!, I can confirm that the west courtyard building was evacuated. We were all outside for close to two hours before security blew the all clear. No bomb apparently was found, although we did witness a dog peeing on a case of bottled water which was provided by the company to keep us hydrated during our ordeal."
After the jump is an internal e-mail updating some tenants on the status of the threat, should such things excite you:
Good morning; This info is from Wilshire Courtyard Management. The 5700 Wilshire parking garage is temporarily closed at this time due to the bomb threat at the 5750 Wilshire E! Entertainment building. Vehicles are able to exit the garage but incoming traffic is not allowed at this time. We will provide updates on the garage accessibility as they become available. thank you for your patience and understanding.