Help Name The New 'Times' Conference Rooms!

The Times wants to harness the creativity of its employees for the naming of the conference rooms in their shiny new office building. To that end, they're holding a contest, for which the winners will receive "$100 on his or her cafeteria Zipthru account." In an effort to put some meat on the bones of the hungry folks at 43rd Street (you know what happens when the blood sugar gets low) we offer the following suggestions, which they should feel free to submit as their own.
- The Hassan Elmasry PowerPoint Assault Room
- The Pinch & Judy (Miller) Room
- The Rattner Pack Lounge
- Michiko Kakutani's Limn Lounge
- The Place Where Charles Isherwood Paces And Talks To Himself About How Much He Despises Theater And All The Great Artists Of Our Time Who Make It, Well, At Least In The Imaginations Of Theater Publicists
- The Place Where Newspaper Staff Are Magically Transformed Into Internet Staff
- The Rick Bragg Memorial Drunken Men, Their Faces Lined With The Care Of Twenty Years Cutting Cane Under The Aching Alabama Sun, Weeping Into Their Whiskey Room
- The Lola Ogunnaike Videoconference Suite
- The Modo a Go Go
- Conference Room D [CORRECTION: In a submission to the Times's Conference Room Naming contest on Thursday, Alessandra Stanley referred to Conference Room D in error. The submission should have read Conference Room C. This correction was delayed for research.]
- Trip Gabriel's House Of Angry Bitches
- The Renzo Ros Room