A new book from Ariel Gore, editor of the HipMama parenting zine, is called How To Become A Famous Writer Before You're Dead, and if you're already thinking "but why should I take advice about how to become famous from someone who isn't?" you're not alone. The book arrived in our offices—provenance unknowable!—with its most "offensive" bits neatly highlighted and a post-it on the cover reading "Who does Ariel Gore think she is? A Preggers Proust?"

Either Three Rivers Press's publicity department is filled with insane geniuses or someone really doesn't like this book. Our money's on the latter.

And our personal jury is still out about this book's hatability. It's nice that Ariel wants to help the youngsters get to where she is. (Where she is: Portland, OR). Still, it is just generally irresponsible to encourage people to be writers, and it's not doing the world any favors to encourage aspiring "lit stars" to play up their weirdnesses: "Don't try to hide your quirks, exaggerate them!" reads a section entitled "Objectify Yourself."

And: "Other people are going to objectify you anyway. It's your job to beat them to the punch!" Um, okay, midlist mommy whose advice book just came out in paperback original!