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Virtually any morning flip through the trades reveals a delightful succession of full-page reacharounds celebrating this milestone or that meaningless award, but today's special All-Star Tribute to the Final Season of The Sopranos edition of Variety provided a special occasion for the industry's finest talent agencies to engage in a particularly vigorous round of congratulatory handjobbery. So which agency loves its Sopranos earners the most?

While UTA boasts 15 names on its page (though closer inspection reveals some credit-padding dirty pool: Wilmer Valderrama? Really?) and CAA a typically staggering line-up of 14 commission-generators, on a pure per-client basis, plucky APA (all together now, Entourage fans: "Who the fuck invited APA?") outspent its ten-percenting betters in buying a back-cover tribute to its cherished tag-team of Johnny Sack and Bacala. We have no idea what happened to Endeavor's ad—we assume that either they don't rep any Sopranos people, or Ari Emanuel just took the money and made donations in their name to Barack Obama's Democratic primary campaign, entirely bypassing this sloppy round of interagency competition.

[ads via DigiVariety]