Top Chef season 2 contestant Sam Talbot, the Jonathan Rhys Meyers of culinary reality TV, is coming to the Lower East Side. The gentle giant is slated to open a beer 'n' burger place at 101 Rivington called Spitzer's Corner. Ostensibly an homage to the very same immigrant-run garment store it's replacing (Spitzer's Dress Shop), we have it on good word (that word being our gut) that Talbot is sucking up to new Governor (and by extension State Liquor Authority guru) Eliot Spitzer. I wouldn't put it past him. That man is a charmer. Remember when he banged Padma Lakshmi on the Kenmore Kitchen Pro? Wait, that didn't happen. Happily, Talbot, who is teaming up with the Fat Baby guys, won't need an expensive dishwasher. His abs will do just fine.

Top Chef-er To Open In LES By Summer [Eater]