Joe Rogan Likens Fame To Amusing Magic Trick That Makes Long Restaurant Waits Disappear

Carlos Mencia verbal bitchslapper and crusader on behalf of plundered stand-ups everywhere Joe Rogan checked in with the folks over at, covering a variety of topics, including his thoughts on fame himself—something he now enjoys in large quantities thanks to six seasons as host of the groundbreaking televised goat-testicle-eating contest, Fear Factor:
Rogan: Fame is a trick. You're still a human being, except now you're being displayed in front of millions of people. All you have to do is be on TV. Paris Hilton is a perfect example of that. Do you even know what her voice sounds like? I don't have a fucking clue.
And if you're famous, and being tricked by the very magic trick that makes other people think you're special, then you're a fucking idiot. If you're famous and you don't step aside and go, 'Well, this is ridiculous,' than you're an idiot.
Of course, Rogan had some difficulty seeing the ridiculousness of the fame trick when he embroiled himself in a flame war with a 20-year-old MySpace user, telling him in one message, "You're an ugly, fat faced zero, and I'm a famous multi millionaire. Those are the facts there, dear sweet kevin :)" Even master fame-illusionists have moments of befuddlement, however, and Rogan must have been momentarily confounded by the smoke and mirrors of celebrity when he was forced into putting that mouthy kid—without even one TV credit to his name!—in his rightful, broke and anonymous place.