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Thanks to our advertisers, who respect the sanctity of nature. Interested in joining their ranks? More info is here. Also! How exciting. This week you can enter to win a copy of the hot new novel everyone (here) is talking about: Mergers and Acquisitions! Anyway: "Are you a character in Mergers and Acquisitions? Enter to win a free copy and find out for yourself!" More info at To enter, just send an email to with the subject line Mergers Contest before Tuesday, April 10th. An email will be picked at random to win. By emailing your entry, you agree to our Contest Rules.

Thanks this week to our advertisers: 24 Hour Fitness, American Apparel, Canon, Crunch Fitness, Sony Pictures Black Book, Fairchild Publications, Mergers & Acquisitions, Nokia, Perfect Stranger, SV Supreme Vodka, Sprint,, VW, and Verizon.