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If you're still at the office now, take heart! Sure, you work for a company that keeps you past one on a holiday weekend, but you know how to get back at them? Waste company time while reading Blue States Lose! Alex Blagg escorts you around Last Night's Party , The Cobrasnake, and Misshapes.

10.Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #003: Aaaaaaaand it all comes full circle.

9.Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #130: For all of the shit we give them, Misshapes is still the only party in the city where you can see a Stroke and a desperate-looking John Norris hanging out in the same night.

8. The Cobrasnake. Oatmeal Fountain photo #2688: The "pathetic alcoholic" look isn't just for the homeless anymore!

7. Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #153: Looks like somebody decided to swing by the Gay Dandy Sadness Carnival on their way to Misshapes!

6. Last Night's Party. Black Mister photo #2850: If I was friends with the guy who played "Hollywood" in Mannequin, I'd probably nibble on his ear sometimes, too.

5. Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #019: I got an email from some dude named Pier St. Claire that reads, "It's rather gauche, so please forgive me for asking, but how do all of the underage kids get into MisShapes, etc? Everyone talks about how young the hipsters at Happy Valley are getting, and I have to wonder how they get in to 21+ venues. You seem to be the best person to ask." How the fuck should I know, Pier St. Claire? The best person to ask would actually be this 16 year-old dishrag who pals around with androgynous DJ people when she's not doing her Algebra II homework.

4. Last Night's Party. Black Mister photo #2802: Not really sure what he/she is getting so riled up about, they're still about 25 more hormone treatments away from being able to fool anybody. (NSFW. I think. Maybe.)

3. Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #008: I can only imagine that this guy has a wheel of adjectives he spins three times to decide how he's going to dress on a given day. This time it was "80's rapper", "Facist", and "Glam Clown" - but tomorrow he might end up looking like a Wild West Ninja Wizard. You just never know.

2. Misshapes. March 31st, 2007 photo #157: I don't know what it is, but for some reason I have this feeling that this dude has some sort of "straight" job in advertising or banking or whatever, and that he has this secret space behind a fake wall in his closet where he keeps his sparkly headbands, Flashdance leotards and other sassy accessories, and that when he "suits up" for the night, he kind of feels like Batman.

1. The Cobrasnake. Peach Pressure photo #1978: Anyone who's ever accidentally left the house wearing a silver leotard, giant retard glasses, hot pink make-up, scary radioactive cat-eye contacts, and a rubber ducky hat, then realized their nipple was hanging out, will be glad to know that they are not alone.

Previously: But Florida Loses The Most