Hollywood PrivacyWatch: A Bespandexed Jake Gyllenhaal Pedal Powers Up Mulholland

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you spotted Love Connection's Chuck Woolery in bad need of a pedicure:
In today's episode: Jake Gyllenhaal; Matthew Perry and Kevin Pollak; Billy Bob Thornton; Steven Soderbergh and Jules Asner; Mike Tyson; Frankie Muniz; Matthew Fox and Alicia Silverstone; Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart; Jason Priestley; Paris and Nicole Hilton, Blake McGrath, Vincent Young and Scott Storch; Madden Brother; Wilson Cruz and Chuck Woolery.
· This evening (4-5) on Mulholland, I passed Jake Gyllenhaal on his bike. In spandex, with yellow safety flags on each side. Fit, sensible, lovely calves. Yes, please.
· Monday, saw Matthew Perry and Kevin Pollak having a conversation on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica.
· Some friends and I were at the Century City Mall Friday grabbing some over-priced grub & enjoying our Non-Al Fresco dining experience before Blades of Glory, when who do we see ambling around the food court but Billy Bob Thornton. He was clad with the requisite baseball cap & petite, pretty Asian chick (she was cute). He seemed to stare at the sushi restaurants as if he couldn't decide what to eat...you know, like us normal folk. Eventually he ordered (sushi choice number one I think) & got a table. Half my group went off to subtly stalk him while I sat there and skulked at A) how short he is & B) how CAA/ICM are slowly but surely taking us all on short ride to Hell.
· ok..I know you usually shun out of town sightings..but this began at Burbank Airport..where i spotted Steven Soderbergh and child bride looking Jules Asner unabashadely drinking beer out of plastic cups at the airport bar at 2 pm on Monday. The two were on my flight to San Francisco (all coach seating) THEN saw the them again the next day at the SF Giants opening day, sadly they must have had a better ticket broker than me because they were just a few rows behind the
Giants dugout. This time I got to watch them eating polish sausages...AND FINALLY saw the two the next night at the SF W hotel bar having cocktails. OK..besides the fact that they were eating/drinking everytime I saw them..they appeared mellow and cool. I may just forgive him for Ocean's 12.
· This morning at Crunch, I worked out behind Mike Tyson and his scary/creepy face tattoo. I know it's not the first Mike Tyson sighting at Crunch, and I noticed his shirt said "Crunch World Tour 2007" on it, so my guess is that this is all a viral marketing ploy for Crunch so that people will write into blogs like this to report seeing washed-up celebs notable for boxing and raping people. As much as I don't want to give Crunch the credit for this devious marketing scheme, I still feel obligated to report that Mike Tyson was at my gym, and quite frankly, it was a little frightening.
· while enjoying a happy hour beer and blue cheese fries at pete's downtown on tuesday, 4.3, i saw malcom in the middle—frankie muniz—himself! he was sporting a mohawk(?) and had a cute indie rock girl with him. is he married? was she his wife? anyway, they were going into the lofts above pete's. if he lives downtown, where does he park his cars? doesn't he have, like, 7 of them?
· also at the TV ON THE RADIO show on Friday (3-31), besides the super good looking Matthew Fox, was Alicia Silverstone and that Tony guy from 'no doubt' with the same ridiculous yellow hair he's been sporting since the nineties. I've seen him around before. same hair. it doesn't look good.
· Sunday afternoon (4/1) at The Grove - spotted "McSteamy" himself, Eric Dane, and wife, Rebecca Gayheart, both sipping on drinks from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and mingling among the little people. He was wearing jeans, tee, sneakers, sunglasses, and a baseball hat pulled down really low. Not exactly newsworthy to mention that he was gorgeous. Taller than your average celeb for sure. She...I don't know. I didn't really pay attention. I think she had on flats? I was a little too wrapped up in the whole "McSteamy" thing to notice.
· 4/3 - 11:40 am. Saw Jason Priestley today at the Target on Sepulveda in Van Nuys. He was with what looked to be his girlfriend/wife, judging by the intimate way he caressed her neck. He was wearing a black t-shirt and blue pants. She wore a beret and something black; I really wasn't paying attention to her. He's a little doughey for an actor, not all cracked-out looking. He's also not the 5'6" that imdb states on his profile. That's how tall I am and he was a good few inches shorter than me.
· While leaving the showing of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure at Arclight on Monday, saw Dax Shepard entering the lobby. He was with some other guy that I didn't get a good look at. San Dimas High School Football RULES!
· i live and work in d.c. so i had high hopes for my first trip to l.a. in almost four years. alas, this is all i have to report:
3/29: also my birthday. went to area (hey i live in d.c.) where we waited for about a good half hour outside before bolthouse's sister (i am told) let us in. many a c-list celebrity to be seen: blake mcgrath from dancelife - surprisingly quite nice and sassy, of course. some random guy who used to be on 90210 - he had the hots for one of my friends, we chatted about the east coast. didn't realize until the next day it was vincent young (none other than eventual dylan mckay replacement, noah "the boat guy" hunter). lastly, the hiltons themselves (paris AND nicky). i actually put my hands on paris to push her out of the way when my friend lost her earring. she was a little shocked but not a word came from her lips. i'm happy to report she dances like a white girl and i saw her bite it on the dance floor. Also scott storch. looking... wait for it... greasy.
4/2: geisha house. one of the madden brothers (sans nicole or the other one but with a big burly dude instead). had a big debate about which one it was but are we really supposed to be able to tell them apart?
· Wilson Cruz at the Koo Koo Roo opposite La Brea Tar Pits. If he weren't gay as a pink hairnet, I'd be interested. Man knows how to work a tight T-shirt.
· Does this even count as a star sighting?
Saturday March 31st (which shows you how important this was), breakfast at Marmalade in Malibu with my friend visiting from NY. Who is seated across from us? Chuck Woolery. Yes, "Love Connection" Chuck Woolery. With a woman who was even near to his age, who might be his wife (an attractive Pilates blonde). She even ate a muffin with him, and the carb police weren't called.
Note to Chuck, and every non-metrosexual out there: if you insist on flip-flops, sand down the heels. Satans horny pedicure puts off other diners. If you don't want to take this simple step, opt for Topsiders.