Alex Kuczynski, writing in this week's New York Times Book Review, delivers a taut, 850-word piece on the debut novel by 80s supermodel Paulina Porizkova. Between this and her article on virginity from March 24th, that's two appearances in the NYTBR in three weeks. Might the Kucz be moving over to books full-time now that she's gotten sick of the shopping?

If that's the case, she's rushing the field with guns blazing, opening her newest review with a fierce, piercing snarl cast in the direction of all her fellow literary critics.

With the publication of "A Model Summer," Paulina Porizkova makes her own contribution to a literary sub-sub-genre, books by supermodels. Most of these get bad reviews, either because they're truly awful, like Naomi Campbell's "Swan," which won Seventeen magazine's Super-Cheesy Award, or — call me a conspiracy theorist — because jealous book critics aren't tall and gorgeous, so they try to wield their puny amount of power to establish some sort of moral order.

Who might she mean? Gawker Weekend has submitted an inquiry to Ms. Kuczynski—we'll let you know if she names any names.—LEON

A Model Summer [NYTBR]