Lucky And Flo And The Case Of The Extended Tour Of Malaysian Duty

Lucky and Flo, the two most adorable, stinky-breathed foot soldiers in the MPAA's ongoing war against entertainment piracy, have been ordered to extend their illegal-disc-sniffing tour of duty in Malaysia well past the loaner month that had originally been agreed to:
[T]hey now will be based here "for the foreseeable future," said MPAA senior operations executive Neil Gane. [...]
The black Labradors will mainly participate in more Malaysian raids, but they also could be deployed to other countries for anti-piracy operations from time to time, Gane said. He declined to identify which countries were being considered, citing security reasons.
Anyone who remembers the last, unnerving chapter in the Lucky and Flo Mysteries knows why we can't help but receive this news with a mixture of deep pride for L&F's achievements, but great dread as well, as word on the Malaysian street is that the two black Labs have a bounty on their furry heads. We can only put blind faith in the Malaysians that the appropriate doggieguard detail will be assigned to their not-so-secret weapons, and that a special, dead-of-night mission to Bangkok to intercept the Far East's leading Wild Hogs duplicator won't instead result in a poochie ambush, wiping out our heroes in a hail of automatic gunfire and pulverized dog biscuits.