Some Technical Stuff You May Or May Not Care About

Just a quick note about a technical-type situation that will be going down late tonight: Due to what's being referred to as a "server move" by the home office, parts of this site (comments, links, and what-have-you) may be inaccessible or not function properly until midday-ish tomorrow, with the possibility that the whole thing might intermittently disappear during the behind-the-scenes work. Such is the cost of what we're promised is "progress."
On another (and mostly unrelated) tech-flavored note, we've been told that the very annoying layout problem that many of you have let us know about, where the side ad banner runs over into the middle of the page and blocks the text, has been fixed, but the changes might not "take hold" (our interpretation of the explanation we got) until this server business is complete.
As always, we appreciate your patience during these difficult times.