Blanca LaSalle, Our New Favorite Publicist

A former staffer made some allegations about J. Lo's husband, Marc Anthony. Apparently he "is the guy who wants to stay home and play video games all night. He looks like the kind of person that needs to be fed. Food is not a priority. When he eats, he eats pizza and Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald's." In response, his rep Blanca LaSalle told New York mag that "Even if that's true, what's wrong with that?" With this simple act, Blanca has trumped Leslie Sloan "It's all bullshit" Zelnick in the "best publicist statement" sweepstakes. Congratulations, Blanca, and condolences, Leslie. We recommend adopting Blanca's line in the future. Actually, it would be great if this was the only thing publicists ever said.
Video Games And Junk Food [NYM]