Going For The Green: A History Of The Green Bandwagon And Where On It Tom Friedman Sits

1824 Joseph Fourier discovers greenhouse effect.
1949 Richard Gere born.
1960 Dr. Seuss publishes One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
1962 Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring.
1972 U.S. passes Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act. (Amended 1977.)
1994 Knight Center for Environmental Journalism founded at Michigan State's J-School.
1994 John B. Oakes Award for Distinguished Environmental Journalism founded at Columbia University.
1998 Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation created to fundraise for environmental programs.
2003 Toyota Prius goes on sale in America.
2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger promises to convert his Hummer to hydrogen fuel.
2005 Flaunt magazine's "Green Issue."
2005 Government employees forbidden from speaking to media regarding climate change.
2006 Al Gore premieres "An Inconvenient Truth" at Sundance.
2006 Elle's "Green Issue."
2006 Vanity Fair's "Green Issue."
2006 Al Gore publishes "Inconvenient Truth" companion book.
2007 Times op-ed columnist Tom Friedman publishes piece in New York Times magazine; he is "getting a lot of mileage out of his motto, 'Green: The New Red, White and Blue,'" notes WWD.
2008 Tom Friedman to consider book counterpart to his Discovery channel program; also considers selling 11,400-square-foot house.