Paris Hilton Inconsolable After Being Told She Cannot Bring Kinkajou To May 4 Court Appearance For Moral Support

Paris Hilton may have ridden her personal philosophy of acting as stupidly as humanly possible in front of the maximum number of available cameras to unprecedented celebutard heights, but her recent probation violation for a DUI charge has posed her team with the kind of serious threat to their client's welfare that can not be easily brushed aside by right-hand flack Elliot Mintz's typical Jedi mind tricks:
Paris Hilton was ordered Tuesday to appear in court May 4 for allegedly violating her probation in a reckless driving case by driving with a suspended driver's license. [...]
Outside court, Hilton's attorney, Howard Weitzman, was asked whether the matter was close to being resolved. "It is," he said without elaboration.
Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz, has said that at the time, Hilton wasn't aware that her license had been suspended.
A May 4th appearance gives Hilton's lawyers some more precious time to strategize on how best to avoid a revocation of her probation and potential prison sentence of up to 90 days. Should they secure that legal victory, we imagine it will make for a particularly festive Cinco de Mayo celebration this year—ironic, since it was margarita indulgence that got the heiress into trouble in the first place. In the meantime, Hilton has a few weeks to arrive at the perfect outfit for her big day in court; as of her last statement on the matter, she was leaning heavily towards something austere "like a Chanel suit," but paired with a pair of python Gucci fuck-me pumps that will playfully "remind the law people that I just gotta be me!"