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A Worth1000 Photoshop contest fielding posters for movies one letter off from their original titles turned up a surprisingly hilarious bounty of entries. Frustrated at having to single out just a few for special recognition, we eventually settled on the three above—000's abandoned CGI cliff bereft of even a single tumbling Persian, The Lives of Otters's voyeuristic glimpse into the world of marine mammals inhabiting a Cold War-era German zoo, and the mob/FBI game of trou-dropping cat-and-mouse known as The Depanted—but strongly suggest you peruse the entries yourself, lest you miss out on the one-sheet touting Marty McFly's adventure back to 18th century Germany to ensure nothing interferes with the composition of the Brandenburg concerti. Sure, they are good for a laugh, but don't be surprised if this "change one letter" approach doesn't soon overtake sequels and remakes as the preferred studio method of revisiting previously proven material.