Portfolio "Fashion, Inc." blogger Lauren Goldstein Crowe may be new to this internet-writing game, but she's already formed some strong opinions about it. "Anna Wintour hates the word blog, and I have to say I'm with her there. My business cards say 'contributor.'" Nice. Oh, and while declaring your intention not to belong to any club that will have you as a member, why not alienate everyone in that club a little more? "There aren't many sites or blogs devoted to the business of fashion, so I haven't yet felt the need for a formal blog roll here. (If you have suggestions, please post them.) But every once in a while I may point to something I find. Recently I discovered the 'Style Scribbler.' An intreped [sic] internet fashion journalist...." Well, at least Lauren knows some rules of the internets: You don't have to spell good, and you can always pretend to know more than you actually do.

Zac Posen The Blog [Fashion Inc.]