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  • Very odd array of online publishers, print media, and actual businesses look to cash in on whole environment thing. [LAT]
  • L.A. Times to cut about 150 jobs, Chicago Tribune looking to shed 100. [A.P.]
  • Everything you ever wanted to know about secretive media mogul Philip Anschutz. [NYT]
  • Financial Times redesign. [Guardian]
  • Time Inc. about to lose its pole position in ad-page race to Conde Nast. [NYP]
  • Philadelphia Inquirer: does front-page sponsored column. [NYT]
  • Don Imus lawyers up. [BW]
  • Dick Snyder: still alive. [NYP]
  • Fortune has a section called "Portfolio," Portfolio uses the word "Fortune" in one of its story titles. Lamest "this thing looks like that thing" ever. [NYT]
  • New York magazine: Yet another blog. This one, "culture," edited by former Wonkette contributor Dan Kois. [WWD]
  • Slideshow tour through the new Times building. [apartment therapy]