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"What would happen if a feminist Jewish wit and scholar invaded David Lodge's territory? Marleen S. Barr, herself a pioneer in the feminist criticism of science fiction, provides a giddily entertaining answer in this feisty novel," reads the publisher's description of Oy Pioneers! Enticed yet? If not, this pitch, which the author herself saw fit to email us, ought to send you running to the bookstore:

My debut novel OY PIONEER! tells the true story of what it is like to be a feminist Jewish New Yorker who teaches at Blackhole State University—aka Virginia Tech. Surely the public would now like to know. Further, the protagonist is named Norris—and the whole world is aware of what ensued in Tech's Norris Hall. Some aspects of the tragedy exactly parallel the plot of OY PIONEER! I believe Cho read this depiction of cultural aliention in Blacksburg.

You know, it really is kind of egregious that, with all of the national media attention this story has gotten, no one has yet sought out the feminist Jewish New Yorker angle.