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In a shocking—shocking!—development in the Alec Baldwin Voicemail Fiasco, the LAT is reporting that the actor (pictured at left with an unidentified lesser Baldwin during happier times) has left his longtime agents at CAA:

"This is strictly for personal reasons," said Baldwin's publicist Matthew Hiltzik. "It has absolutely nothing to do with his extremely talented agents who've done great work with Alec."

No further explanation was offered, meaning that's it time for wild, wholly uninformed theories for the move. Could he no longer bear to be repped by the same agency as ex-wife/nemesis Kim Basinger? Did Baldwin suddenly think that his ongoing PR crisis would only be exacerbated by his continuing association with the evil agenting monolith? Did CAA, not realizing that their client's daughter was no longer a tender, delicious baby, offer to "make the problem go away" by eating the 11-year-old, thereby offending the overprotective father? Developing...

[Photo: Getty Images]